Classroom Information


Rules and Policies:

Homework Policy

  • Homework goes home the 1st day of each week and is due Friday.

  • Homework includes a page of Math, Writing, Language, Religion, a Reading Log and/or pages relative to lessons being studied.

  • Reading each night is required. Kindergarteners can read independently or parents can read to them.

  • Book Bags are supplied for your convenience to complete the Reading Log. If Book Bags are not sent home, then use books at home, or from your public library. Book Bags are due Friday.

  • Students who do not turn in Homework or Book Bags will be issued a Blue Slip.



TIPS on Homework

  • Have your child review the homework and try to "explain" it for you. This helps to reinforce understanding from class.

  • Then read the directions out loud.

  • Monitor your child's work.

  • Review the work together.

  • Some assignments may require a "buddy" to help.



Kindergarten Class Room Rules

1. Raise your hand before speaking. 7. No Spitting
2. No talking during work time. 8. No Hitting, pushing, scratching, etc.
3. Keep hands to yourself. 9. No Name Calling
4. Follow teachers directions. 10. No destroying property
5. No running in the classroom.  
6. Be kind to one another.  




Sick Days – Call the office by 8:30 am, if your child is sick the morning of school. Otherwise, they will be looking for you.

Medical Leave – A note must be written in advance informing Ms. Czajka and the school office, the time and date of leave for any medical appointments.

Check in/out – Always check in/out with the school office when you pick up or drop off your child when school is in session.

Return – Provide an excuse note to Ms. Czajka and school office for any reason of absence upon return to school.

Dismissal – Provide a note to Ms. Czajka if you are having a friend/family member pick up your child on any day. Written notification is required to release your child to someone else. If no note is provided, child will be sent directly to his/her normal location.